Wednesday, 21 May 2014

karenmadecraft is go!

Excellent news!  I think I have finally reached the end of my karenmadecraft launch to do list!

So, hello and welcome.  Come on in and have a poke about, read about me and karenmadecraft and then get in touch or leave me a comment if you've got something (polite-ish) to say.  

My plan for the blog is to share what I am up to, when new things go in the shop and share my own patterns so that you can make things for yourself if you like!   It might also grow a list of suppliers that I love, some wee tips and tricks and maybe even some pictures of my stash of crafty stuff.  

So there we are, please do get in touch if you'd like more information about anything, or if you;d like  a beautiful business card, or even more importantly if you'd like to own a karenmadecraft creation of your very own!  If you haven't already come from there my website is here, and my shop is on etsy.

Enjoy, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Please can you add a Google Friend Connect thingy so I can follow you :)

    1. Done! Thank you for the reminder, lady!
